Saturday, December 26, 2015

when several years ago I was supposed to play golf and left my home office late and noted my clubs were still in the family SVU and not in my tiny Kia. Decided to just take the big car instead and before I got to the course I was involved in a bad car wreck where I would have been terribly hurt or killed in a lighter car. Totally God looking out for me.--SJ
when my wife died suddenly. My wife and I were best friends, and we had been married almost 24 years. A few days after her death, I was by myself for the first time, and the grief became unbearable for me. I was in distress. In that painful moment, God put the words of Jesus into my mind. I remembered a verse (John 14:16), when Jesus was beginning to tell his disciples that he was not going to be with them much longer. Jesus said that after he left he would send the comforter, the Holy Spirit, to be with them. I yelled out in a loud voice "God I need your comforter" and I collapsed and had a good hard cry. After my desperate prayer, God did give me peace, a peace that has been a miracle for me. A wonderful answer to my prayer! I did not realize that I was remembering the King James Version, which talks about the "comforter" in John 14:16, John 14:26, John 15:26 and John 16:7. I almost always use a NIV Bible, and it uses the word "advocate" in those verses to describe the Holy Spirit.--AH
when I was in a long distance relationship and we had said that the next time we would meet would be on the island of Martinique. We had some problems and it looked like we were going to break up but then that night I had this particularly vivid dream of meeting him on Martinique. It was wonderful and I was so disappointed when I woke up and realized it wasn't real but it did encourage us to keep things going. So far so good.--SJ

Friday, December 25, 2015

when I was in the middle of a breakup with a woman I really loved. I was at a Christmas party and they sent me to a gas station for more ice. While I was there, in walked this really lovely woman with a breath taking smile. And the guy she was with and obviously connected to was even dorkier looking than I was. I took it to mean "Relax! It'll be OK."
when I was in Walmart looking for some allergy medicine for my son. I was a little baffled by all the different kinds when an old guy in back of me said "This is the one I use" as he pointed at the generic Claritin. "It works great!" And he walked away. And it did.
when I had a bad back for over a year. I couldn't work so I decided I'd go back to school. Every day I'd come home at the same time and watch the old Hawaii 5-0 show. One day my hand reached for the on switch and something inside me said "NO, Turn on the radio." I did. On the radio was a lady named Bonnie Pruden who had a new book out called PAIN ERASURE-THE BONNIE PRUDDEN WAY. Something told me that book would fix me up I went out and bought it and 3 months, the book, and some painful home therapy later, I was fine.